Total CO2 Emissions in Trinidad and Tobago: primary sources and correlation with GDP

Trinidad and Tobago Total CO2 emissions by source

How much do coal, oil, gas, cement and flaring contribute to CO2 emissions in Trinidad and Tobago?

In 2022, Trinidad and Tobago’s total carbon dioxide emissions reached 36,124,037 metric tons. The primary sources of these emissions were gas, accounting for 32,505,711 metric tons, and oil, with 3,076,824 metric tons.

Cement contributed 262,849 metric tons, while flaring added 278,654 metric tons.

Notably, coal did not contribute to the country’s carbon footprint.

These figures underscore the significant role of gas and oil in the economy and their correlation with CO2 emissions in Trinidad and Tobago.

What fraction of world fossil co2 emissions does Trinidad and Tobago accounts?

Trinidad and Tobago is the 69th largest emitter of CO2 in the world. It represents 0.097% of global CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions from coal in Trinidad and Tobago

In Trinidad and Tobago, gas usage resulted in the production of 32,505,711 tons of CO2, accounting for 89.98% of the total CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions from cement in Trinidad and Tobago

In Trinidad and Tobago, cement usage contributed to the production of 262,849 tons of CO2, representing 10.21% of the total CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions from flaring in Trinidad and Tobago

In Trinidad and Tobago, the utilization of flaring contributed to the production of 278,654 tons of CO2, representing 1.62% of the total CO2 emissions.

CO2 emissions from oil in Trinidad and Tobago

In Trinidad and Tobago, the utilization of oil has led to the production of 3,076,824 tons of CO2, representing 8.52% of the total CO2 emissions.


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