Top Billionaires in Israel. Nation’s Richest and Their Residences

In Israel, billionaires, primarily residing in Tel Aviv, have amassed fortunes in diverse fields such as manufacturing, real estate, metalworking tools, finance, gambling, and the service industry. The wealthiest, Viatcheslav Kantor, with a net worth of $11.3 billion, highlights the significant role of manufacturing, particularly in fertilizer production, in the country’s economic profile. This diversity underscores the varied entrepreneurial paths that have shaped Israel’s ultra-wealthy.

How many billionaires are in Israel?

Israel is home to 26 billionaires, with the majority of them residing in Tel Aviv, which has 15 billionaires. Herzliya has two billionaires, while Beit Yanay, Bnei Atarot, Bnei Brak, Herzliya Pituach, Kfar Shmaryahu, Mevaseret Zion, and Netanya each have one billionaire.

Top 5 Billionaires in Israel 2023

Who has the highest net worth in Israel?

1. Viatcheslav Kantor

Viatcheslav Kantor, born in 1953, is a self-made male billionaire with a total worth of $11.3 billion in 2023, ranking him 153rd in the world. His business interests are in the manufacturing of fertilizer and real estate, and his source of wealth is manufacturing.

2. Stef Wertheimer & family

Stef Wertheimer is a self-made male billionaire born in 1926. He is ranked 405th in terms of wealth worldwide in 2023 with a net worth of $6.3 billion. His business operates in the manufacturing category, specifically metalworking tools, and his wealth is sourced from manufacturing industries.

3. Frank Lowy

Frank Lowy, born in 1930, is a self-made male billionaire with a net worth of $6 billion as of 2023. He ranks 425th in terms of wealth worldwide. His business operates in the finance and investments category, and his source of wealth is investments. He has interests in the finance and investments industries.

4. Teddy Sagi

Teddy Sagi, born in 1971, is a self-made male billionaire with a net worth of $5,600 million in 2023, ranked 455th wealthiest person in the world. He is primarily known for his business in gambling software, gambling and casinos, and his source of wealth is gambling software.

5. Shari Arison

Shari Arison is a female billionaire born in 1957. She is not a self-made billionaire, with a total worth of 4200 million U.S. dollars and a ranking of 659 worldwide in 2023. Her source of wealth is Carnival Cruises, and her business interests span the service industry.


Billionaires Statistics Dataset (2023)

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